What is @types/jest?
The @types/jest package provides TypeScript type definitions for Jest, a popular JavaScript testing framework. This allows developers to use Jest in TypeScript projects with type checking and IntelliSense support for Jest's API.
What are @types/jest's main functionalities?
Type Definitions for Jest Functions
Provides type definitions for Jest's global functions like 'test' and 'expect', enabling type checking and autocompletion in TypeScript.
test('adds 1 + 2 to equal 3', () => {
expect(1 + 2).toBe(3);
Type Definitions for Matchers
Includes type definitions for Jest's matchers, such as 'toMatch', 'toBe', and 'toHaveProperty', ensuring correct usage with TypeScript.
Type Definitions for Mock Functions
Provides type definitions for Jest's mock functions and their methods like 'mockReturnValue' and 'mockImplementation'.
const mockFunction = jest.fn();
mockFunction.mockReturnValue('default value');
Type Definitions for Jest Configuration
Offers type definitions for Jest configuration options, which can be used when setting up Jest in a TypeScript project.
const jestConfig = {
verbose: true,
collectCoverage: true
Other packages similar to @types/jest
Provides TypeScript type definitions for Mocha, another testing framework. Similar to @types/jest, it allows developers to use Mocha with TypeScript's type checking.
Offers type definitions for Chai, an assertion library that can be used with testing frameworks like Mocha. It serves a similar purpose to @types/jest but for Chai's API.
Contains TypeScript type definitions for Sinon, a library for spies, stubs, and mocks in JavaScript tests. It is similar to the mock functionality provided by Jest and its type definitions in @types/jest.
npm install --save @types/jest
This package contains type definitions for Jest (https://jestjs.io/).
Files were exported from https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/jest.
Additional Details
- Last updated: Thu, 23 Jan 2020 18:15:59 GMT
- Dependencies: @types/jest-diff
- Global values:
, afterEach
, beforeAll
, beforeEach
, describe
, expect
, fail
, fdescribe
, fit
, it
, jasmine
, jest
, pending
, spyOn
, test
, xdescribe
, xit
, xtest
These definitions were written by Asana (https://asana.com)
// Ivo Stratev (https://github.com/NoHomey), jwbay (https://github.com/jwbay), Alexey Svetliakov (https://github.com/asvetliakov), Alex Jover Morales (https://github.com/alexjoverm), Allan Lukwago (https://github.com/epicallan), Ika (https://github.com/ikatyang), Waseem Dahman (https://github.com/wsmd), Jamie Mason (https://github.com/JamieMason), Douglas Duteil (https://github.com/douglasduteil), Ahn (https://github.com/ahnpnl), Josh Goldberg (https://github.com/joshuakgoldberg), Jeff Lau (https://github.com/UselessPickles), Andrew Makarov (https://github.com/r3nya), Martin Hochel (https://github.com/hotell), Sebastian Sebald (https://github.com/sebald), Andy (https://github.com/andys8), Antoine Brault (https://github.com/antoinebrault), Jeroen Claassens (https://github.com/favna), Gregor Stamać (https://github.com/gstamac), ExE Boss (https://github.com/ExE-Boss), Alex Bolenok (https://github.com/quassnoi), Mario Beltrán Alarcón (https://github.com/Belco90), Tony Hallett (https://github.com/tonyhallett), Jason Yu (https://github.com/ycmjason), and Devansh Jethmalani (https://github.com/devanshj).